2022 General State Account presented to the National Parliament

Today, October 23rd, 2023, the Government presented the General State Account for the financial year 2022 to the National Parliament. The Government was represented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira; the Minister of Finance, Santina José Rodrigues F. Viegas Cardoso; the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores; the Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Adérito Hugo da Costa; and the Vice Minister of Finance, Felicia Claudinanda da Cruz Carvalho.

The National Parliament unanimously approved the document with 57 votes in favour and no votes against or abstentions.

The Ministry of Finance prepared the 2022 General State Account based on information provided by Government bodies and public services. This document covers a wide range of financial information, including the aggregate and individual results of various government entities, such as the Consolidated Fund of Timor-Leste, the Infrastructure Fund, and the Human Capital Development Fund, among others. The General State Account details income and expenditure throughout 2022 and the financial balances at the end of that period.

The 2022 General State Budget foresaw a total expenditure of US$ 2,419,539,539. Still, the expenditure executed, including the Central Administration, the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno and Social Security, amounted to US$ 1,810,624,000, of which US$ 1,404,000,000 came from transfers from the Petroleum Fund, which corresponds to a budget execution rate of around 77 per cent, and the highest amount of budget expenditure executed in a single year.  2022 General State Account presented to the National Parliament

Although the debate focussed on the General State Budget for the financial year 2022, and the 9th Government had no responsibility for the preparation or execution of the 2022 General State Budget, the Minister of Finance, in her speech at the opening of the debate, assured that the 9th Government is committed “to implementing all the recommendations of the Chamber of Auditors”, and will therefore continue “in the coming years to include methodological improvements in the General State Budget and the General State Account to respect all legal obligations and best international accounting practices”.

Minister Agio Pereira stated that “the Ministry of Finance continues to work to improve the budget execution system and to increase the transparency of public accounts” and reiterated that “the Government is committed to promoting the rationalisation of the Public Administration and to achieving a more efficient, effective and economical administration”.


url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=34825