SEFOPE and the United Nations discuss cooperation in employment and vocational training

The Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), Rogério Araújo Mendonça, met with the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Timor-Leste, Funmi Balogun, to discuss cooperation with the various United Nations agencies in employment and vocational training. The meeting took place on the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment premises on August 21st, 2023.

During the meeting, the United Nations representative and the Secretary of State discussed the Government’s plans for employment and vocational training and the possibilities for cooperation with the various UN agencies. Imagem1 300x199 SEFOPE and the United Nations discuss cooperation in employment and vocational training

The Secretary of State shared with Funmi Balogun the sector’s main priorities, highlighting the training plan for young people, focused primarily on teaching English and Korean languages to prepare them for seasonal work opportunities and employment abroad. The Secretary of State intends to establish training centres in the municipalities to raise the skills level of Timorese workers from unskilled to medium-level skills.

Another important topic addressed during the meeting was the promotion of small businesses, such as restaurants and carpentry shops, to generate jobs and respond to unemployment in the country.





