National Parliament overall approves the Law Proposal on the 2023 Amending General State Budget

2023 Amending General State Budget (OGE) Law Proposal was approved in overall terms by the National Parliament, in a plenary session on August 22nd, 2023, with 41 votes in favour, zero against and 23 abstentions.

The law proposal includes the first amendment to Law no. 15/2022, of December 21st, on the 2023 General State Budget and Law no. 2/2022, of February 10th, on the Framework of the General State Budget and Public Financial Management, and the second amendment to Law no. 8/2008, of June 30th, on the Tax Law.

With the 2023 Amending State Budget, the total expenditure of the Public Administrative Sector for 2023 will have a total consolidated value of US$ 1.77 billion. With this amendment, the authorised transfer from the Petroleum Fund drops from US$ 1.35 billion to US$ 1.21 billion US dollars.

Nearly a month on from the approval of the Government Programme, Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, in his speech presenting the Law Proposal, stated that “the 9th Constitutional Government is fully committed to a fiscal policy that will lead to the country’s economic development, and that spending and revenue will be managed scrupulously and efficiently, to promote once again confidence, not only among our citizens but also among investors.”

The Head of Government explained that the law proposal was prepared based on five main aspects:

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão also stated that “the approval of this Budget also allows the new government structure to fulfil its mission, especially in the commitment to implement the measures planned for the first 120 days of this term,” which the Head of Government assumed in his speech when he took office. “For this reason and given that our population cannot wait any longer to feel the benefits of the policies that the government intends to implement,” the government submitted “this law proposal with a request for priority and urgency”, he added.


