Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on July 2, 2010

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, July 2, 2010


Timor-Leste designated EITI Compliant, the third country in the world to achieve compliance status in petroleum transparency


The Xanana Gusmão Government of Timor-Leste is proud to announce Timor-Leste has been granted compliance status by the board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This major achievement for Timor-Leste sees the nation become only the third country in the world to have been granted compliance status, with 28 other nations currently at candidate status and working towards compliance.

The Xanana Gusmão Government from its inception has placed a high priority on the prudent management of the petroleum sector; adherence to EITI protocols and continuing engagement with the international oversight mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability place the nation at the forefront of best practice in the petroleum sector. The EITI has 18 requirements that have now been fulfilled by Timor-Leste.

The Government congratulates the Multi Stakeholder Group, chaired by the Secretary of State for Natural Resources, H.E. Alfredo Pires, formed to develop a comprehensive work plan and to publish the first comprehensive EITI report for Timor-Leste.

When launched in December 2009 this report was lauded by EITI Chairman, Peter Eigen, as a milestone for the country; it accurately accounted for every dollar paid by the oil companies operating in Timor-Leste in 2008 (US$2,509,572,538) and every dollar paid to the Government (US$2,509,572,538). This report is available to the public, future reports will be easily accessed and there is already open disclosure of the details of the Petroleum Fund, into which all revenue from the petroleum sector flows. Timor-Leste is now well placed as a world leader with the sectors’ best practice measures for transparency and accountability.

The current EITI Board, consisting of 20 members representing implementing countries, supporting countries, civil society organizations and industry and investment companies was formed during the EITI Global Conference in Doha, February 2009. Timor-Leste’s Secretariat of State for Natural Resources, H.E. Alfredo Pires, was elected at that meeting to serve as a member of the board for a two-year term.

Spokesperson for the Government, Ágio Pereira, noted “this marks a major milestone for Government, civil society and the industry; the result of a great deal of long term work and collaboration by the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão’s Government. The ultimate beneficiaries are the owners of Timor-Leste’s petroleum resources, the men, women, boys and girls of the nation, who can be assured that the Government will remain vigilant in ensuring the proper and prudent management of their sovereign assets. It is also important to note that although we are a young country, we can still reach world best practice in transparency and accountability in major sectors. This is something we, as a nation, should be very proud of.”
