Prime Minister briefs President of the Republic on the 2023 Amending Budget preparation

On August 3rd, 2023, during the customary weekly meeting with the President of the Republic, José Ramos-Horta, the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, presented the state of play of the Amending Budget draft preparation.  Prime Minister briefs President of the Republic on the 2023 Amending Budget preparation

The Head of Government stated that it is not yet possible to give precise figures, given that the draft Law is still being carefully analysed, to be submitted next week to the National Parliament.

Since last Friday, all line ministries and state institutions have submitted their budget proposals to the Budget Review Committee to improve the overall implementation of government programmes and budgets.

 Prime Minister briefs President of the Republic on the 2023 Amending Budget preparationThe draft Law is in the final stages of preparation. It will be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval at its meeting on August 9th and is expected to be handed over to the National Parliament the following day.

The Prime Minister informed the Head of State that the Government is also preparing the Draft Law on the 2024 General State Budget, aiming to have it approved by the end of 2023.
