President of the Republic Promulgates Organic Law of the 9th Constitutional Government

The President of the Republic, José Ramos-Horta, promulgated Decree-Law no. 46/2023 of July 27th, which approves the Organic Law of the 9th Constitutional Government.

The organic structure of the 9th Constitutional Government defines the attributions pursued by each of the Ministries. It assigns the competencies to the government members according to the priorities set out in its Program.

The 9th Constitutional Government was sworn in on July 1st, 2023, to resume social and economic development over the next five years. The Government Programme, which received unanimous support in the National Parliament, is a political instrument that will guide the Government over the next five years to resume the roadmap defined by Timor-Leste to comply with the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations” and the Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030), to achieve concrete progress in sustainable development and effective social development.

Among the priorities established by the 9th Constitutional Government, economic diversification and job creation stand out, focusing on agriculture, fisheries, livestock, tourism, and the establishment of small and medium industries, aiming to reduce dependence on imports and promote self-sustainable development.

The Government proposes to invest effectively and efficiently in three key areas – social capital, infrastructure development and economic development – underpinned by an institutional framework that promotes competence, professionalism, honesty, and transparency.

The 9th Constitutional Government structure is designed to prioritise the provision of essential services to the population, with a particular focus (but not only) on health and education. It also aims to improve administrative and management practices and implement the Strategic Development Plan.


To access the Structure of the IX Government, click here!

To access the Government Program, click here!
