Presentation of the Programme of the Ninth Constitutional Government to National Parliament

Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão presented the Programme of the 9th Constitutional Government to the National Parliament today.  Presentation of the Programme of the Ninth Constitutional Government to National Parliament

In its Program, the Government summarises the central public policies to be adopted during the term of office to strengthen and optimise the sectors of governance and their resources, shortening the path outlined to transform the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2030 into reality.

During his presentation, the Prime Minister outlined the 9th Constitutional Government’s Programme general lines for the period 2023-2028, which encompasses six main commitments: the reaffirmation of the democratic rule of law, the development of social capital, the development of infrastructure, the development of the economy, the government consolidation and good governance and the fight against corruption.

 Presentation of the Programme of the Ninth Constitutional Government to National ParliamentThe Prime Minister stressed that “the debate and appreciation of this Program presented by the 9th Constitutional Government are more than a constitutional formality”, and “it is a vote of confidence that we ask for this Executive, qualified and experienced, who wants to restore the rules of good governance, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness so that we can ALL aspire to Timor-Leste that we dreamed of during the difficult years of the liberation struggle”. capa programa vermelho pt page 0001 159x225 Presentation of the Programme of the Ninth Constitutional Government to National Parliament

Xanana Gusmão, throughout his speech, launched two requests to the population. In the first, he appealed “not only to the Government itself but to all Sovereign Bodies, Civil Society and all Timorese” to “embrace a new national cause”, to “fight for our democratic rule of law: armed with the will to work, armed with active and constructive participation and encouraged by a vision of Freedom and Development!”. In the second request, with which he ended his speech, he asked everyone “regardless of their professional, social or economic condition, to dignify our presence abroad, while taking care of our country to attract investment, trade and tourism to Timor-Leste”.


