Summary of the Program of the IX Constitutional Government

The 9th Constitutional Government presented its Government Programme to the National Parliament on July 13th, 2023.

The Programme of the 9th Constitutional Government summarises the central public policies to be adopted during the term of office to strengthen and optimise the sectors of governance and their resources, shortening the path outlined to transform the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2030 into reality.

The Programme encompasses six main areas: the reaffirmation of the democratic rule of law, the development of social capital, the development of infrastructure, the development of the economy, the government consolidation and good governance and the fight against corruption.

During its term of office, the 9th Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste will prioritise the consolidation of the Democratic Rule of Law and the resumption of the previously defined roadmap to fulfil the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Government intends to proceed with institutional strengthening and promote the country’s economic and social development. Economic diversification, job creation and infrastructure improvement are also priorities, as well as ensuring territorial sovereignty and implementing the Maritime Boundary Treaty with Australia. The Government emphasises the importance of the participation of civil society and all the living forces of society in building the State and seeking progress and well-being for all Timorese.

The development of social capital, which encompasses health, education, and the population’s quality of life, is a crucial priority to achieving a just and developed society. Investing in human capital will drive sustainable development and promote inclusion, well-being and dignity for all Timorese.

In this regard, the Government is committed to removing barriers to access to education, ensuring that all children and young people have access to quality education, regardless of socio-economic status or geographical location. Education is seen as a fundamental right, an essential tool for social and economic development, and for creating a healthy and prosperous society.

In its program, the 9th Government reaffirms its commitment to guarantee all citizens’ right to health and health care, as established in the Constitution of the Republic. In this regard, the State will continue to promote the implementation of the National Health Policy and the National Strategic Plan for the Health Sector 2011-2030 to achieve a “healthy Timor-Leste” and fight poverty through global development.

The Government’s initiatives for the health sector will be geared towards improving service delivery, ensuring widespread access to quality health care and promoting efficiency, transparency and professionalism in the management of resources and infrastructure. The National Health System will be strengthened by building the capacity of health institutions, health workers, drug and equipment supply systems, and emergency medical systems. Overall objectives include improving healthcare delivery nationwide, especially in remote areas and to disadvantaged populations. It also aims to improve resource management, decentralise health services, promote intersectoral coordination, review and improve the structure of the National Health System and establish partnerships with civil society, the private sector and development partners to improve public health and promote healthy habits across the country.

Recognising that education, training and employment opportunities are fundamental tools to overcome poverty, the State assumes the responsibility to ensure access to basic needs and well-being for National Liberation Fighters, women, children, low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities. The IX Constitutional Government will continue to support these layers of the population while developing policies and strategies to reduce dependence on the State. Measures will be implemented to consolidate the National Social Protection Strategy, the General Social Security Regime Law and the National Social Security Institute. Social cohesion actions, women’s engagement in decision-making positions, protection and assistance to children in danger, and measures to support the elderly, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups will also be promoted.

Recognising the importance of youth in the consolidation of national unity, in the reconstruction, defence and development of the country and given that more than 50% of the national population is under 20 years of age, the Government highlights the need to provide education, health and vocational training to young people to empower them to become the future leaders and contribute to the sustainable development of the country. To this end, the Government intends to implement the National Youth Policy and action plans that promote youth development and autonomy. The National Youth Development Council will be strengthened to ensure better coordination between public and private entities, stimulate initiatives for young people and facilitate their insertion into the labour market. The establishment of youth associations, the construction of a National Youth Centre in Dili, the improvement of existing Youth Centres, and the construction of Multifunctional Youth Centres in all municipalities will also be promoted. In addition, leadership training camps will be held and Youth Days promoted, covering areas such as languages, technology, art, music, sports and civic education.

One of the Government’s main priorities is the development and maintenance of productive infrastructure, recognising the importance of these structures for the economic and social growth of the country. Therefore, a detailed survey of all ongoing infrastructure and projects will be carried out to conduct an audit, reassessment, correction and restructuring of the infrastructure plan. Transparency, proper planning, supervision and quality of construction will be emphasised, as well as sustainability and the reduction of existing asymmetries in the country.

The infrastructure plan aims to tackle extreme poverty in the country by providing better health, education and access to basic infrastructure. Access to primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare, improving the physical environment and providing clean and adequate housing will be emphasised. In addition, access to education, vocational training, culture, water, sanitation, electricity and information and communication technologies will be promoted. Investment in basic public infrastructure for people with special needs will also be prioritised, as will creating the conditions for private investment, economic growth and job creation. The infrastructure construction process will be an opportunity to improve the skills and specialisations of the local workforce.

For the 9th Government, it is also urgent to strengthen investment in access to drinking water and basic sanitation, given that the lack of these infrastructures has severe consequences for public health and people’s quality of life, resulting in the spread of diseases, mortality and negative impact on child development.

Regarding energy, the Government recognises that access to regular and reliable electricity supply is a fundamental right and the foundation for Timor-Leste’s economic growth. Therefore the Government is committed to investing in modernising and expanding energy systems, including renewable energy, to benefit both urban and rural areas. It also intends to exploit the national natural gas reserves in the Timor Sea by seeking partnerships with oil companies to develop the Greater Sunrise field and build gas processing facilities on the country’s southern coast to utilise natural gas as a cheaper and environmentally friendly energy source for electricity production.

Regarding the transport sector, the 9th Government’s priority is to create the conditions for economic growth by improving land, sea and air transport systems, investing in infrastructure and training human resources. Measures will be implemented to improve transport safety and efficiency, including developing regional ports, expanding and modernising port facilities, revising the Highway Code, and creating a weather forecasting system to ensure safety in air traffic. The aim is to promote economic and social development in rural and urban areas, strengthen the tourism sector and facilitate trade in people and goods.

In telecommunications, the Government will ensure a reliable, quality and secure telecommunications network, promoting the digital economy, good governance and the population’s socio-economic development, emphasising the development of broadband networks and services and global connectivity.

In the economic sector, the Government aims to achieve economic diversification by boosting the productive sectors of agriculture, tourism and oil. It also aims to increase job creation, promote entrepreneurship and stimulate creativity, innovation and diversification of the national economy. In addition, the Government wants to capitalise on maritime resources sustainably, adopting the Blue Economy as a new approach for the country’s future. This includes implementing a strategy for the development of the Blue Economy, preserving ocean resources and promoting environmental, economic and social sustainability.

The Government will define a vision and a strategy and determine the national value in the Blue Economy, promoting sustainable development, boosting economic growth and job creation, balancing economic activity with the capacity of ocean ecosystems and favouring the protection of the seas and oceans.

The Government considers agriculture the basis for the country’s economic and social development. The improvement of this sector, combined with the improvement of the fisheries and animal production sector, will have the short-term result of improving the quality and well-being of all Timorese. Thus, the Government aims to improve national food security, reduce rural poverty, support the transition from subsistence farming to business production of agricultural, livestock, fisheries and forestry products, and promote environmental sustainability and conservation of Timor-Leste’s natural resources.

One of the cornerstones of Timor-Leste’s future economic development is the petroleum and mineral resources sector. The Tasi Mane project, which aims to create two industrial hubs on the south coast, will boost economic growth, create jobs and generate direct and indirect economic benefits across the country. Investment in this project will have multiplier effects on the economy, stimulating other industrial sectors and benefiting local businesses.

Regarding tourism, the Government will, in a planned and organised way, develop a national strategy without trying to compete with the mass tourism of Southeast Asia but being able to create synergies with other locations in the region, such as Flores, Moluccas and Kupang, to create and develop tourist packages that attract visitors from Indonesia, Australia and other countries in Asia and the Pacific. In a global market that seeks new and authentic tourism offers, Timor-Leste can position itself with great competitiveness by making a difference, especially in the region. That is why the Government intends to develop an effective strategy for attracting tourists, where promotion and marketing will be fundamental to affirm this competitiveness. In the first approach, the investment will be made in the promotion of Community and Ecological Tourism, Adventure Tourism (including mountaineering, diving and snorkelling and other extreme sports), Religious Tourism, Historical, Cultural and Ethnographic Tourism, Leisure and Bathing Tourism and Thermal Tourism.

The Government is committed to developing trade policies that promote the flow of products nationally and internationally to increase exports and boost industrial growth. Regulatory measures and market expansion policies will be implemented, including marketing and public relations strategies to promote Timor-Leste and its products in the region and globally. In addition, the Government aims to strengthen the private sector, reinforce national logistics, build trade infrastructure, develop mechanisms for the certification and promotion of national products, and achieve full membership of the World Trade Organisation and ASEAN.

In the industrial sector, the Government aims to diversify the economy by supporting the development of agro-industry, the processing of raw materials, investments in infrastructure, business and technical training, and the establishment of industrial parks.

In the private sector, as one of the main drivers of the national economy, the Government is committed to creating favourable conditions for investment and entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurship policies, new business support, private sector incentives, legal framework reform, and investment studies, among other initiatives to promote sustainable growth and create jobs.

The 9th Constitutional Government is committed to implementing structural changes in the economy to provide employment opportunities to the national population. Economic growth, the development of the agricultural and private sectors and investments in education and health will result in a more skilled and productive labour force contributing to economic growth. As the economy expands, an increase in the services sector is expected, which means more employment opportunities, with a particular focus on women. The Government has a comprehensive employment policy, which includes the implementation of the National Employment Strategy 2017-2030, job creation for youth, adults and women, tackling precarious work, expanding work abroad, establishing Employment and Vocational Guidance Centres in each municipality, improving conflict resolution mechanisms at work, increasing the qualification of workers and career counselling programmes for students.

Cooperatives, particularly agricultural cooperatives, are strategically important for national development. Establishing cooperatives is a way to encourage private sector growth in rural areas and stimulate active participation in the national economic system. The Government will continue to invest in human resource training and institutional capacity at the cooperative level. It will also provide tools and equipment, raw materials and cash concessions to improve its infrastructure, improve its products’ quality, expand markets, and increase trade activities.

To prevent environmental deterioration, improve environmental management and protect the environment throughout the country, the Government of Timor-Leste has as priority objectives in the area of environment, to strengthen the institutional and legal framework for the sustainable use of natural resources, to promote environmental awareness and environmental education, to improve intersectoral coordination to include environmental concerns in development programmes, to empower institutions responsible for environmental management and to strengthen national and international partnerships for improved environmental management.

Another of the 9th Government’s main priorities is to continue consolidating government, seeking to develop a modern and diversified economy. To this end, productive sectors such as agriculture, tourism, oil and minerals, and manufacturing will be boosted, taking advantage of the country’s natural resources and geographical location. Job creation and stimulating entrepreneurship are vital to increasing national productivity and promoting sustainable economic growth.

To achieve these goals, the Government plans to develop a National Planning Framework that defines the characteristics of each region and the growth potential of each sector. Administrative decentralisation is also crucial so each municipality can identify its potential and plan economic strategies objectively.

The Government’s macroeconomic policy aims to create job opportunities, especially for young people, and improve the population’s well-being through inclusive and sustainable economic growth, diversification of the economy, promotion of private sector investment and strengthening fiscal sustainability.

In the financial sector, the Government intends to promote the development of the financial industry, including the financial market, to boost economic growth and facilitate investment in productive sectors.

The Government Programme also provides for establishing the Development Bank of Timor-Leste (BDTL) to facilitate access to long-term financing at affordable interest rates. In addition, the Government will support the expansion of the National Bank of Commerce of Timor-Leste (BNCTL) and promote access to credit, especially for small businesses and citizens in rural areas, through microcredit institutions and credit unions.

Regarding public finances, the Government will seek to improve fiscal policy and public financial management with transparency, accountability, efficiency and sustainability, including reforms in public financial management, tax collection, public debt mobilisation, Petroleum Fund management, budget planning and execution, and management of public funds and State assets.

These measures aim to strengthen the national economy, diversify revenue sources, promote private sector development and improve the population’s quality of life.

Good governance and the fight against corruption are also priorities for the 9th Government, as they are fundamental for providing quality public services and implementing development policies. Transparency, accountability and leadership are vital principles that the Government will promote through audits, risk management mechanisms and the proper use of public funds.

Reform and modernisation of the Public Administration are key objectives to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, to ensure better public services. Decentralisation of Public Administration will strengthen democratic participation and economic development at municipal and rural levels. Spatial planning, promoting rural development and creating local jobs are goals to improve the population’s quality of life.

Justice sector reform will also be undertaken to ensure the rule of law and equal access to justice and strengthen defence and security institutions, which is crucial for stability and peace.

At the foreign policy level, the Government will conduct a foreign policy that fosters bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation, enhancing economic, social and cultural partnerships with other countries, which are essential to attract investment and build the capacity of the country’s institutions and human resources.
