Government provides support to flood-affected populations

Through the Civil Protection Authority and with the support of the World Food Program (WFP), the Government is providing emergency support to populations affected by floods and landslides caused by torrential rains that have ravaged the country in recent weeks. 3Imagem1 300x175 Government provides support to flood affected populations

Nine of the 14 municipalities were affected, destroying or damaging homes, infrastructure, and other necessities. According to the Civil Protection Authority, 350 families were affected by the severe weather.

4Imagem1 300x182 Government provides support to flood affected populationsThe Civil Protection Authority, in collaboration with WFP and other partners, has been providing food and other necessities to affected communities.

With WFP’s logistical support in providing transport, the Government is distributing more than 220 tonnes of food, other non-food items and building materials in the municipalities affected by the natural disasters. 2Imagem1 300x170 Government provides support to flood affected populations

Teams from the Institute for Equipment Management and Support for Infrastructure Development (IGEADI – acronym in Portuguese) have also been on the ground normalising roads and bridges damaged by floods and landslides.
