MAPCOMS inaugurates the “Voice of Proclaimer Francisco Xavier do Amaral” Community Radio in Turiscai

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPCOMS), Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, through a National Directorate of Promotion and Development of Local Media (DNPDML) programme, inaugurated this Friday, February 17th, 2023, at the administrative post of Turiscai, the Community Radio “Voice of Proclaimer Francisco Xavier do Amaral”.

The MAPCOMS Minister mentioned in an interview that “the objective of this launch is related to the willingness of the Turiscai community, which for a long time has wanted to establish a community radio station to facilitate their access to information”.

Minister Francisco Jerónimo also considered that “the Government should respond to this yearning since the Constitution determines that everyone has the right to access information, and one of the ways to give this access is to build a community radio station that can broadcast information to our community in Turiscai and also to other sucos around Turiscai that manage to receive this frequency”.

“The Government’s efforts and its response to the needs are mainly related to communication so that the population can also obtain information, especially related to the Government’s programmes, both underway and not yet being implemented,” said Minister Francisco Jerónimo.

In his speech, the Administrator of the Turiscai Post, Adriano da Costa, expressed his gratitude to the MAPCOMS Minister for having been able to create a radio in Turiscai and emphasised that, as a local authority, he is willing to work as a team to provide information to the community. Adriano da Costa also asked the people in charge of the Radio to manage it responsibly in the future.

On the same occasion, Joni dos Reis, as Head of the Installation Commission, thanked the Government, in particular, MAPCOMS, for responding to the proposal to build a radio in Turiscai since the community had been presenting his suggestion since 2019.

The Director of DNPDML, José da Costa, said that the Community Radio “Voice of Proclaimer “was built by the initiative of the community. Therefore, the community is the owner, so the community must guarantee its operation.

MAPCOMS and his entourage, the Administrator of Turiscai Post, the Commander of Turiscai Police Station, the President of Tatoli, the Veterans’ representatives and the community attended the ceremony.
