Public Consultation to prepare the 2nd Voluntary National Review of the SDGs

Today, February 3rd, 2023, a public consultation with all stakeholders as part of the preparation of the Second Voluntary National Review of the Implementation of the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development (VNR 2.0) report was held in the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance.

The Voluntary National Review is a process by which countries assess and present their national progress in implementing the 2030 Agenda, including progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to accelerate progress through sharing experiences, peer-to-peer learning, identifying gaps and good practices, and mobilising partnerships.

Using a comprehensive consultation and taking into consideration the results of the most recent Assessment of the Implementation Status of the National Strategic Plan 2011 – 2030, completed in 2021, is preparing the report to assess the current situation and allow for updating the results reported by Timor-Leste in 2019.

The results will be presented in 2023 to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York after approval by the Council of Ministers.

The Head of Government, Taur Matan Ruak, pointed out that “this nationwide initiative, led by the Prime Minister’s Office, is intended to be a broad space for analysis, exchange of ideas, and sharing of experiences, bringing together the most varied spheres of our society, which I believe is a critical success factor for the national evaluation process underway”.

Taur Matan Ruak stated that bearing in mind that “the end of the current Government’s term of office will occur this year”, “a comprehensive and rigorous assessment such as the one now being sought can be a powerful planning tool at the service of the next Government, allowing it to improve its program’s architecture and ensure the necessary alignment and coordination of Government activities to be co-financed by development partners and international financial institutions”.

“The Report of the Second Voluntary National Review of Timor-Leste (…) shall report on our country’s progress, challenges and constraints in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda from 2019 to date” and will have as its central theme “People-Centred Sustainable Development”.

“The document will develop based on the first findings of the 2019 VNR and is in line with the 8th Constitutional Government’s Programme, namely having as one of its top priorities the development of our human resources, also focusing on policies and programmes aimed at Human Capital Development, Social Protection, Health and Education, Food Security, Employment and Diversification and Economic Growth, Digital Transformation and Institutional Reforms,” the Prime Minister informed.

“In a spirit of belonging, participation and openness, today’s national consultation aims to hear everyone’s views on the country’s key progress and successes, challenges and setbacks, and factors affecting these changes since the first VNR was held in 2019,” said Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães.

Minister Fidelis Magalhães also referred that this public consultation “also contributes to building a broader social appropriation of the 2030 Agenda, helping to raise awareness” and added that “it is these open discussions that truly distinguish Timor-Leste as a democratic, participative and open country”.

Members of the National Parliament, members of the Government, representatives of international organisations, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of civil society, non-governmental organisations, religious denominations and academia, and leaders of the public administration took part in the public Consultation.
