Day-Off on January 23rd 2023 on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year Celebration

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


January 20th 2023

Press Release

Day-Off on January 23rd 2023 on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year Celebration

Law no. 10/2005, of August 10, in the wording defined by Law no. 3/2016, of May 25, establishes the days that are national holidays, the official commemorative dates and the other circumstances in which tolerance days-off may be granted.

When it comes to tolerance days-off, paragraph C) of nº 2 of article 7 of the same law determines that a religious celebration not contemplated by law may be subject to tolerance.

The Chinese community in our country is already a very old community with a presence of several centuries and has an economic and social importance that deserves the gratitude and recognition of the Timorese.

The Chinese New Year is undoubtedly the most important ceremony of the entire Chinese calendar, also known as the “Spring Festival”, and is also celebrated in many Asian countries.

The date is celebrated as a family party and a time dedicated to celebrations, of which the religious ceremonies of thanks to the earth, the skies, the gods of the home and the ancestors stand out.

Thus, considering the provision in paragraph c) of nº 2 of article 7, and in paragraph d) of nº 6 of that article, the Government determines the following:

  1. Day-off is granted on January 23rd, 2023, throughout the day.
  2. This order covers all employees, agents and workers of the direct administration of the State, whether central and decentralized, and in the bodies of indirect administration;
  3. The human resources of public services that, due to the nature of the public activity they carried out, should remain in operation during that period, are excluded from the previous number;
  4. Without prejudice to the continuity and quality of the public service to be provided, the senior managers of those services referred to in the preceding number shall provide the equal exemption from the duty of attendance of their personnel, on a date to be established in due course. END
