Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 21st, 2022

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 21st, 2022

The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Justice, Tiago Amaral Sarmento, for the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 10/2017, of March 29th, Statute of the Public Defender.

The purpose of this decree-law is to promote the updating and reform of the Public Defender Office’s Statute, adapting it to the current reality of the justice sector, especially concerning the right of access to justice and the courts by all citizens, paying it the tribute of a true home of the law.

Regarding the organizational structure of the Public Defender’s Office, the main changes proposed include the creation of the position of Deputy General Public Defender, who assists the General Public Defender and substitutes him in his impediments and absences; changing the rules for appointing the General Public Defender, who will now be appointed by the Prime Minister; and changing the composition of the Superior Council of the Public Defender’s Office, making it more autonomous, dynamic and functional, as well as better defining the Municipal Defender’s Offices.

The duties of Public Defenders have also been increased, while new guarantees and prerogatives have been established and the importance of their mission, based on promoting access to justice through legal protection and information mechanisms, has been clearly defined.

Within the scope of legal protection, its modalities and scope of application are determined and the procedural rules for the presentation, assessment and decision on citizens’ requests for legal protection are simplified. The importance of legal consultation and clarification that the Public Defender’s Office is responsible for providing through its offices is also increased, and the creation of access to justice clinics is also established.


Also approved was the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Prime Minister’s Office and by TIC TIMOR I.P., regarding the National Strategic Plan for Digital Development and Information and Communication Technologies (Timor Digital 2032) (2022 to 2032).

The Strategic Plan “TIMOR DIGITAL 2032″ will be implemented by TIC TIMOR I.P., under the coordination of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and is an integral part of the Public Administration Reform Program of the 8th Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste.

It is a ten-year strategic plan to develop digital technologies and ICTs, with emphasis on their application in critical areas with the greatest impact on human and economic development, such as the delivery of government services – e-government/digital government, the inclusive economy, health, education and agriculture. To remain aligned with the Government’s development priorities, the strategic plan is also prepared for adaptability and for additional areas to be progressively included.


The Council of Ministers approved two draft Government Resolutions, presented by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, for the appointments of:

Pedro Godinho dos S. Marçal da Costa to the position of President of the National Authority Designated for Combating Climate Change, I.P.; and

António Lelo-Taci to the position of President of the National Authority for Environmental Licensing, I.P.

The establishment of these two National Authorities was approved at the Council of Ministers meeting on April 27th, 2022.


The Council of Ministers decided, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, to approve the variation of the Tibar Bay Port concession contract for a change in the object of the concession contract, which now includes the obligation for the concession holder to acquire a goods scanner, its installation and maintenance during the concession period, as well as a change in the contract price, which increases up to USD 4.411 million.


Also presented by the Minister of Finance, the draft Decree-Law for the approval of the food allowance for workers who perform duties at the Integrated Border Posts and Customs was approved.

Given that the Integrated Border and Customs Posts have special working periods, adapted to the specific needs arising from their functions and that they are located in areas far from urban centres, this food allowance aims to compensate for the special working conditions of these workers, which are more onerous than those enjoyed by the generality of Public Administration workers.


This was followed by a presentation by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, on the preparation of the Government’s Legislative Plan for 2023. The legislative plan is being prepared based on proposals submitted by members of the Council of Ministers and consists of a forecast of the Government’s legislative interventions and respective priorities, divided by sectors, for the year 2023. Legislative planning is one of the instruments established to improve the quality of the Government’s legislative activity.


Lastly, the political-legislative options underlying the initiative to modify the Special Procurement Regime of the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) were presented, to harmonize it with the new procurement regime and review its special procurement procedures, conferring greater flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness in administrative performance, at the service of the needs and development of the Region, in the pursuit of the Public Interest. END
