Minister Fidelis participates as a speaker in an international discussion promoted by Bengkulu University

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, on November 11, 2022, participated as a speaker, by videoconference, in the 2nd international discussion promoted by Bengkulu University, in Indonesia.  Minister Fidelis participates as a speaker in an international discussion promoted by Bengkulu University

Minister Fidelis divided his intervention into two parts, in the first he spoke about the development of the media in Timor-Leste and in the second part he addressed the theme Prospects for Democratization in Timor-Leste and Cultural Perspectives in Indonesia.

Regarding the first issue, Minister Fidelis outlined the national media sector and highlighted “that, in Timor-Leste, the Government does not control the media. The Government respects and values the independence of the media and freedom of expression”.  Minister Fidelis participates as a speaker in an international discussion promoted by Bengkulu University

He also highlighted that “Timor-Leste was classified as the most democratic nation in Southeast Asia”. “Timor-Leste’s press freedom index increased from 86 in 2011/12 to 17 in 2022”. “There are only 11 European countries above Timor-Leste in terms of freedom of the press”, “This happens because the country is committed to democracy and freedom of expression”.  Minister Fidelis participates as a speaker in an international discussion promoted by Bengkulu University

Minister Fidelis also presented a comparison between traditional democratic practices in Indonesia and Timor-Leste based on culture and derived from ancestors, such as Nahe Biti in Timor-Leste and musyawarah untuk mufakat in Indonesia. He also stated that “Indonesia and Timor-Leste should be proud of musyawarah dan mufakat and Nahe Biti, as democratic practices in their respective countries”.
