Timor-Leste celebrates the 46th National Women’s Day

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Timor-Leste celebrates the 46th National Women’s Day

The 8th Constitutional Government congratulates all Timorese women for the celebration of the 46th National Women’s Day, a date that marks the death of the national heroine, Maria Tapó, who gave her life in the fight for national self-determination, and in which the important role of Timorese women in the struggle for national independence is celebrated.

This year, the celebrations have as their main motto “Women are ready to lead” and include a mass and laying of flowers to national heroines in the Garden of the Heroes in Metinaro and at the Port of Dili. The celebrations then continue afterwards with an exhibition taking place at the Dili Convention Centre.

The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria do Rosário Fátima Correia, in a message published today, emphasized the importance of this day “to value, honour and recognize Timorese women who sacrificed themselves in the struggle for national self-determination” and also stated that “in times of national development, women continue to hold an important role, together with men, with great work and involvement in various areas and sectors, to contribute to the wellbeing of the Timorese people.

The Spokesperson of the 8th Constitutional Government, Minister Fidelis Magalhães, stated that “on this day when we celebrate the very important role that Timorese women had in the fight for the independence of Timor-Leste, we also highlight women’s contribution in the country’s development process”.

Minister Fidelis noted that “the 8th Government is proud of the various measures it has taken towards the promotion of women’s rights and the strengthening of their socio-economic capacity and power, such as the approval of the Maubisse Declaration, the National Action Plan against Gender-Based Violence, and the improvements in women’s safety, school conditions, and water and sanitation”.

The Government Spokesperson further reiterated that “the Government remains committed to achieving equal opportunities for all people, regardless of gender, to build a better world where men and women live harmoniously, free from violence and discrimination.” END


url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=31441