Vote of Condolence on Jape Kong Su’s Death

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Vote of Condolence on Jape Kong Su’s Death

The 8th Constitutional Government, in the meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 28th 2022, approved a vote of condolence for the passing away, last Monday, of Jape Kong Su, at the age of 97, in Australia.

The Timorese businessman was born in Balibó, in the municipality of Bobonaro, and lived for many years in Maubara, in the Municipality of Liquiçá. Since the national independence, he has developed several projects and enterprises, in which the Timor Plaza Shopping Centre stands out.

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, in the note of condolence dedicated to the family and friends of the “late Grandpa Jape”, expressed, on his own and on behalf of the 8th Constitutional Government, that “With his passing, we are left with the enormous legacy of a Timorese, who dedicated himself to his work, to his family, to his employees, and to the businesses that he established throughout his life in several countries, but above all, his passion and enormous dedication to the development of our country”.

The Head of Government pointed out that “Despite having an established life in Australia, with connections in China and Singapore, he did not hesitate to return to his Timorese homeland in 1999, right after the National Independence Referendum, to participate in the arduous process of national reconstruction, at a time when Díli, our Capital City, was totally destroyed”.

“In the last twenty years of the Restoration of National Independence, Grandpa Jape Kong Su is for us as a source of encouragement and inspiration, demonstrating the importance of family, of active and participative citizenship, for the development of new projects and investments, with economic and national relevance, where the important example of the Timor Plaza development, among others, stands out”, said Taur Matan Ruak.

The Spokesman of the Government, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, on behalf of the Council Ministers and the entire Government, presents his most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Jape Kong Su and stated that “his contribution to national development will never be forgotten”. END
