Government grants monetary support to the Rural Villages Community Information Centres

The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPCOMS – Portuguese acronym) handed over, this Thursday, August 25th, 2022, at the Government Palace, in Dili, monetary support, financed by the Public Transfer Fund, to the Rural Villages (Sucos) Community Information Centres (CICSR – Portuguese acronym) with the amount of US$ 14,700.00. ee738b15 8853 49d8 a4e6 5175f48a713b 168x225 Government grants monetary support to the Rural Villages Community Information Centres

The funds were handed over by the National Director for Information Dissemination, Estevão da Costa Belo and by the Head of Protocol, Press and Online Editing Department, Carmen Beatriz Ximenes Gonçalves, accompanied by the coordinators and managers of the CICSR and also by the technicians of the said Directorate, to the village chiefs of Rotuto, in the Municipality of Manufahi, José dos Santos, of Liça Dila, in the Municipality of Liquiça, Fernando Lobo, of Lore II, in the Municipality of Lautem, Armando de Jesus and of Dato Tolu, in the Municipality of Covalima, João Agustinho Resi.

DSC 7887 300x198 Government grants monetary support to the Rural Villages Community Information CentresThis support aims to facilitate the activity of the centres, based on their proposals submitted through the CICSRs, to support the dissemination of rural information to the public by the media.

This initiative is part of the MAPCOMS policy to contribute to the development of the media sector, in accordance with the national programme for the freedom of the press and freedom of expression guarantee, for the dissemination of information to the public on the development, potential and actuality of rural villages (sucos). d7bc8c18 961e 49a0 9200 3cacaa433a16 300x225 Government grants monetary support to the Rural Villages Community Information Centres
