Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high-level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Magalhães, paid an official visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, between August 18th and 24th, 2022. During the visit, he had bilateral meetings with Indonesian government members, diplomats, development partners, academics and other relevant personalities. He held lectures and meetings at four Jakarta universities and was interviewed for CNN Indonesia and Detikcom.  Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities

On the morning of August 19th, the Minister, along with the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis “Akara”, delivered a lecture at the University of Indonesia (UI), on the role of the media in the development and democracy. In the afternoon, he was interviewed by CNN Indonesia, covering the process of Timor-Leste’s accession to ASEAN, the cooperation and bilateral relations between Indonesia and Timor-Leste and other multilateral issues of the region. The Minister finished the day with an official meeting and reception with the Timor-Leste Ambassador to Indonesia, Filomeno Aleixo, with the ambassadors accredited to Timor-Leste and the CPLP ambassadors in Jakarta. During the meeting, Fidelis Magalhães shared the Government’s vision for the national development objectives and the priorities of the 8th Government, led by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak.

Over the weekend, August 20th and 21st, he attended the graduation ceremony for pilots at the Aero Flyer Institute flight school and held an official meeting with Sidrotun Naim, Director for Academic and Student Affairs at IPMI International Business School.  Sidrotun Naim is also the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture and Pathology Studies and was a research fellow at Harvard Medical School.

 Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universitiesOn August 22nd, Fidelis Magalhães was interviewed by Detikcom, an Indonesian digital news portal. This was followed by two lectures, one at Atmajaya University and another at the IPMI International Business School, on investment in Timor-Leste and regional prosperity. The Minister also held discussions with the heads of the two universities to create a cooperation program between these universities and national government institutions, such as INAP, and the Universities of Timor-Leste. Atmajaya University also intends to offer scholarships to Timorese students that intend to study at this university in the Indonesian capital. A meeting was also held with the Indonesian Harvard Club at IPMI International Business School.  Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities  Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities

Also on the 22nd, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers held three official meetings. The first was with Lawrence Haddad, the founder of the Indonesian Foreign Policy Community, diplomat Dino Pati Djalal, where they addressed Timor-Leste’s development process and regional cooperation. The second, with the Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and 2018 World Food Prize laureate for his work on maternal and child nutrition to achieve food security and reduce child stunting. During the meeting, he invited the GAIN official to visit Timor-Leste to continue the discussion on the possibilities to develop national food production and support the Government’s programme to fight malnutrition. In the evening, Minister Fidelis Magalhães held an official meeting and reception with representatives of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek) and with a group of Indonesian entrepreneurs, and discussed potential investment opportunities in Timor-Leste and its legal aspects and procedures. 299309747 318999913746037 4893372659873386874 n 300x168 Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities

299860155 3281452198779911 8568677551902870739 n 126x225 Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universitiesOn August 23rd, Fidelis Magalhães started the day with a lecture at the National University for Veterans Development in Jakarta (UPN Veteran), where he spoke about public policies, bilateral issues with Indonesia and regional issues. He also discussed with the officials of this university the possibility of cooperation with INAP and with national universities, scholarships and student exchange.

In the afternoon, he met with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, to talk about several bilateral and regional issues, namely Timor-Leste’s ASEAN membership process, economic investment, free movement between the two nations and visa exemption for its citizens.  298916175 802891917391918 3283311324914927097 n 300x168 Minister Fidelis Magalhães ends his official visit to Indonesia where he held several high level meetings and lectures at Jakarta universities

The day ended with an official meeting with the First Secretary of Political Affairs for Indonesia, Malaysia and Timor-Leste of the Canadian Embassy in Jakarta, Antoine Nouvet, where they discussed the vision of the 8th Government for the objectives and priorities of national development.

In the early hours of August 24th, Minister Fidelis Magalhães travelled from Jakarta to Rome, where he will lead the government delegation, also comprised of the Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, that will represent the 8th Constitutional Government, in the Vatican, next August 27th, in the ceremony of elevation of 21 new Cardinals, which will include the first Timorese Cardinal, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva.
