Prime Minister and ANPM denies lack of fuel

The National Authority of Petroleum and Minerals (ANPM), issued today, July 28th, 2022, a press release denying the information that there is a fuel shortage in Timor-Leste.

In the press release, ANPM guarantees that “the quantity of fuel (gasoline and diesel) existing in the two big national fuel storage facilities, of Pertamina International Timor SA (PITSA), in Praia dos Coqueiros and of Esperança Timor Oan, Lda (ETO), in Hera, is enough to meet the needs of consumers throughout the country”.

It also reported that “a tanker is currently moored at the jetty of the company’s fuel storage facility, which will unload, later today, a quantity of over two million (2,494,372) litres of gasoline and over one million litres (1,632,203) of diesel. The ETO company has also already reported on its social media that it has sufficient quantity in storage.

“Timor-Leste’s two largest fuel distributors, PITSA and ETO, have always made their imports according to the import schedules and according to national needs and there has never been any disruption in the fuel import schedule.”

ANPM calls on the population “not to panic with rumours and gossip about fuel shortages” and added that “with the good collaboration of importers and all petrol stations, ANPM will continue to ensure effective and efficient distribution in the market”.

Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, after the weekly meeting with the President of the Republic, assured that “there is no reason for concern”, because on one hand, “we trust the companies that are doing their job” and on the other hand, “in case of extreme need, the Government has a state company, Timor Gap, that may supply”.
