Timor-Leste celebrates National Health Day with the launch of payments for the Bolsa da Mãe “Jerasaun Foun” program

Prime Minister, Taur Matan, accompanied by the Minister of Health, Odete Freitas Belo, the Vice-Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Signi Chandrawati Verdial and development partners held on July 22nd, 2022, the official launch of the start of payments for the Mother’s Allowance – New Generation  (Bolsa da Mãe “Jerasaun Foun”) programme.

The launch ceremony took place in the Ainaro Municipality and happened to coincide with the celebration of the 8th National Health Day, which had the theme “healthy mothers and children for a healthy nation”.

This programme’s main focus is on early childhood, intending to reduce poverty, malnutrition and infant mortality.

Since the launch of the registration phase of the program, last June 17th, 4,254 registrations for pregnant women, children aged zero to three years, and children with disabilities have been made from Ainaro, Bobonaro, and the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA). A total of 3,570 applications were approved to benefit from the programme.

Each pregnant woman will receive US$ 15 monthly. Children under three years old will be entitled to US$ 20 a month, and children with disabilities will receive US$ 10 a month.

During the month of July, a total of US$ 68,510 will be distributed to the 3,570 beneficiaries.

Of the 3,570 beneficiaries registered during the month of June and who will start receiving during this month, 647 are pregnant women (154 from Ainaro, 203 from Bobonaro and 290 from the RAEOA), 2917 are children up to the age of three (526 from Ainaro, 657 from Bobonaro and 1,734 from the RAEOA) and six are children with disabilities (two from Ainaro, one from Bobonaro and three from the RAEOA).

Payments are made by bank transfer to BNCTL accounts and by T-Pay “e-wallet”, depending on the choice of beneficiaries at the time of registration.  For beneficiaries who do not yet have a bank account, they can open an account through the scheme.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=30831