Government discusses 2023 priorities with the President of the Republic

Today, June 24th, 2022, a government delegation, led by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Magalhães, as acting Prime Minister, met with the President of the Republic, José Ramos-Horta, to discuss the Government’s main priorities for 2023. The meeting took place at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace.

Besides Minister Fidelis Magalhães, the meeting was also attended by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, the Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Armindo Maia, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos, and the Vice Minister of Social Solidarity, Signi Chandrawati Verdial.

The main objective of the meeting was to discuss with the Head of State the priorities defined by the Government for 2023, as well as to report on the progress of the execution and implementation of government programs in the current year, at the level of the social sector and the development of human capital.

The members of the Government listened to the President’s concerns and suggestions and discussed ways to align these concerns and suggestions with the priorities already defined by the Executive for the coming year.

Among the priorities set by the Government for the social sector is the implementation of the Bolsa da Mãe – Nova Geração programme (Mother’s Allowance – New Generation), the improvement of the execution and implementation of school feeding and the improvement of the pre-school system.
