MCC concluded feasibility studies for water sanitation and drainage program and started feasibility studies for education program

DILI, Timor-Leste, June 21, 2022 – Another delegation from the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), visited Dili from May 26th to June 18th, 2022.  This visit was scheduled after MCC’s investment decision and compact negotiations aimed to conclude feasibility studies for the Water Sanitation and Drainage (WSD) Program and initiate the feasibility studies for Education Program. The delegation is composed of three different missions: Infrastructure, Education, GSI and M&E. The Infrastructure mission includes Mr Kumar MCC’s WSD team lead, Tetra Tech and Hazen consulting firm specialists. The Education mission was led by MCC’s Education team, led by Dr Sarah Jones, PhD, and Justine D. Hufford, and International Business Firm (IBF) consulting firm.  The M&E mission was led by Anne Pizear and GSI Mission was led by Monica Tejada.

During this visit, the MCC delegation held a series of discussions with CDT-TL and the President of BTL, EP, Sr. Carlos Peloi dos Reis and relevant institutions such as the Ministry of Public Works (MoPw), Ministry of Planning and Territory (MPO), National Directorate for Land and Property (DNTPSC), National Authority of Water and Sanitation, Public Institute (ANAS.IP), National Agency for Environmental Licensing (ANLA), President of Dili Municipality Authority (PAM Dili) and World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Kumar Ranganathan MCC’s WSD Project Lead said, “The MCC Infrastructure Mission aimed to wrap up the feasibility study and the related analytical work, and initiate work plans for the pre-EIF (Enter Into Force) period. MCC plans to review the final feasibility study report and findings with the Government of Timor-Leste, obtain final comments for the Government of Timor-Leste to approve the report and seek concurrence on near-term WSD consultancy scope of work, project design/Environmental and Social Impact Assessment/Resettlement Action Plan (ESIA/RAP) preparation schedules and ESIA licensing needs particularly focused on approvals for environmental licenses needed for the wastewater treatment plant and outfall”.

The MCC Education mission aimed at advancing the Education Project design including finalizing all aspects of the current design report including the institutional and governance structure of the Centre of Excellence (COE), staffing for training, oversight of training, women’s economic empowerment activity, language supports, Information, Communication Technology (ICT) in education, admissions criteria, current teacher training stream, etc. During the mission the delegation held a series of discussions with CDT-TL, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS), Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture (MESSC), Civil Society Organizations, Partner development and conducted field visits to Municipalities.  The Education Mission concluded its mission with visits to several schools in Aileu, Manufahi and Baucau.

National Executive Director, Ambassador Constâncio Pinto said “As many other missions in the past this one is another successful mission conducted with the support of the Compact Development Team Timor-Leste (CDT-TL). I thank you, President of BTL, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture (MESCC) and Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MEYS) and all other relevant Ministries for the continuing support for the Timor-Leste Compact”.

The MCC Board of Directors selected Timor-Leste for an MCC Compact in December 2017. An MCC Compact involves five-year grants for selected countries that meet MCC’s stringent eligibility criteria. Timor-Leste’s strong performance in meeting these criteria led to the MCC’s decision to transition Timor-Leste from a smaller Threshold program to a full-fledged Compact. On April 7-17, 2022, The Government of Timor-Leste and MCC conducted compact negotiation in Washington, DC. According to the previous plan, the Compact Agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and MCC will sign in July 2022. This 5 years assistance package is estimated at US$484.000.000,00 which consists of US$ 420.000.000,00 made available by the MCC, together with US$64.000.000,00 contribution made available by the Government of Timor-Leste.
