Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 27th, 2022

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 27th, 2022

The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Government Resolution for the appointment of João Amaral, as President of the Supervisory Board of the public company Bee Timor-Leste (BTL, E.P.), and Regina de Jesus de Sousa and Acácio Pinto as members of the Supervisory Board of BTL, E.P. It is the responsibility of the Supervisory Board, as a supervisory body of BTL, E.P., to ensure compliance with legal, statutory, and regulatory standards applicable to the company and supervise its financial management and assets. According to the statutes of this public company, these appointments have been proposed by the Government member responsible for the water and sanitation sector, Minister Abel Pires da Silva, and by the Government member responsible for the Finance sector, Minister Rui Augusto Gomes.

Four draft Resolution Proposals to the National Parliament were also approved, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, regarding the International Criminal Court and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. These drafts Resolution Proposals to the National Parliament aim to:

The Council of Ministers approved a legislative package for the environmental area, composed of four draft Decree-Laws, presented by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho.

Finally, a draft Decree-Law and two draft Government Decrees were approved, within the scope of the State Budget Framework Law and public financial management, presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes. The approved diplomas are:

With this diploma, when expenditures have a value higher than US$ 10 million, the authorization for the realization of expenditure falls under the competence of the Council of Ministers. When expenditures have a value equal to or lower than US$ 10 million, the authorization for the realization of the expenditure falls under the competence of the management bodies of the services and entities of the Public Administrative Sector with extended financial autonomy.

The management bodies of the Presidency of the Republic, the National Parliament, the municipalities and the independent administration are competent to authorize expenditure, regardless of the amount.

In the case of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno, the authorization of expenditures exceeding US$ 10 million falls within the competence of the respective deliberative body.
