Government and National Parliament discuss new Civil Service Commission Law

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, participated today, January 20th, 2022, in a public hearing with Committee A of the National Parliament, which deals with constitutional and justice issues, within the appreciation of the Civil Service Commission draft law.

The draft law was approved by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on July 28th, with the aim, after more than ten years after the creation of the Civil Service Commission, to strengthen the guarantees of independence of its actions and its Commissioners, and, at the same time, to reform the scope of its intervention, in particular, to address the challenges faced, which have been an obstacle to the efficient functioning of the Civil Service.

With this new Law, it is intended that the Civil Service Commission has a supporting role in the definition of public policies for the civil service while strengthening the competencies of the Ministries in their implementation, under Article 115.3 of the Constitution of the Republic.

It is also intended to clarify the intervention powers of the Civil Service Commission, which assumes the role of ensuring the promotion of legality, equality, and independence of the civil service.
