National Parliament authorizes President of the Republic to renew the State of Emergency for another 30 days

Following the Government’s request to the President of the Republic and the positive opinions of the Council of State and the Supreme Council for Defence and Security, the National Parliament authorized today, September 28, 2021, the President of the Republic to renew the declaration of the State of Emergency for the 18th time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, between September 30th, 12:00 am and October 29th, 2021, 11:59pm.


The draft Law proposal to authorise the renewal of the declaration of the state of emergency was approved by the 47 deputies present at the plenary session with 39 votes in favour, 8 abstentions and no votes against.


After the publication of the Decree of the President of the Republic, the Government, through the Council of Ministers, will approve the implementation measures of the declaration of the state of emergency which will be in force from September 30th.


In his message to the National Parliament, the President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, said that “although, since the begining of September, there has been a slight declaration in the rate of spread of the pandemic, which foreshadows a downward trend in the case curve new infections per day, the global epidemiological situation remains, in absolute terms, very serious”.


In his letter, the Head of State said that “vaccination is also a necessary step in the process of preventing and combating the virus. Therefore, the vaccination of the population, of the entire population that clinically can receive the vaccine, must continue”, highlighting that “when we are vaccinated, we are not just protecting ourselves. We are also making a commitment to defend the population of Timor-Leste and all humanity”.


In his speech, the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, reaffirmed that “in addition to continuing to support all those who suffer directly from being sick with COVID-19, the Government also maintains its commitment to solidarity and support for all those who indirectly suffer the consequences of this terrible pandemic, especially the most deprived, vulnerable and disadvantaged families, those who have suffered most from the economic impacts caused by the effects of the pandemic in our country”.


The Prime Minister highlighted that “the figures that have been released show that unvaccinated people are in situation of greater vulnerability in relation to COVID-19, at greater risk of developing more severe forms of the disease and of dying as a result of same.”

He also added that “the successful execution of the Vaccination Plan will represent a new opportunity to lift the limitations and restrictions that still exist and resume the path of economic growth we had trodden in 2019 and which the pandemic has called into question”.

The Head of Government assured that “the Government reaffirms and renews, before the National Parliament, the commitment to continue to adapt the measures to combat COVID-19 to the epidemic situation, in accordance with the data collected and the recommendations issued by the competent authorities in matters of public health”.

EE 18 01 225x225 National Parliament authorizes President of the Republic to renew the State of Emergency for another 30 days

to read the Prime Minister’s speech click here for the Portuguese version and click here for the tetum version
