MAPCOMS carries out awareness campaign for immunization against COVID-19

The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communications, Francisco da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, encouraged the community of Manatuto to receive the vaccine, although health data shows that the number of vaccinations reached 44 percent of the population, or 46, 000 forty six thousand people already vaccinated.

The MPASC published this information, during a national vaccination campaign against COVID-19, this Tuesday, August 31st in the Labututo village, in Laku Mesak village, in the Administrative Post of Lacló, in the Municipality of Manututo.

The Executive also appealed to the community of Laku Mesak village to participate as much as possible in the vaccination program, because COVID-19 has already threatened the entire world since the beginning, in the city of Wuhan-China, in 2019. Currently, this pandemic has caused more than 4,000 four thousand dead around the world. In Timor-Leste there was a death toll of around 50 people. If Timor-Leste does not take the prevention seriously against COVID-19, they will lose many lives like other developed countries, which, even with sufficient resources, cannot save the lives of their own population.

On the same occasion, The Minister Francisco da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, explained that the State is also part of the COVAX Group, which led Timor-Leste to have access to the AstraZeneca vaccine with the support of international partners and many national leaders were vaccinated.

The Governor also stressed that the benefit of vaccination, produces the effect beyond immunity against this infectious disease, benefited the community to move and to satisfy their needs. In conclusion, vaccines are one of the most important keys to prevention against the COVID-19 virus.

According to the access of information through the media, during the national vaccination campaign against COVOD-19, carried out by the health sector, 63 people were vaccinated in the village of Labututo, in Laku Mesak village, in a total of 60 people, including 18 woman and 42 men received the first dose, while three people, one woman and two men were completed the second dose.

Regarding the percentage of vaccination in the Municipality of Manatuto, informed the General Coordinator for the COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, the number of vaccination currently reached 44%, which demonstrates a significant advance. In order to get rid of this deadly virus, we must reach 85 percent. For this we must comply with the rules established by the WHO, that is, always maintain social distance and the use of the mask, because the virus with the Delta variant easily transmits even people with fully vaccinated could be infected, although the risk is not serious.

Odete da Silva Viegas asked the community to cooperate with the health sector to obtain the vaccine, in order to avoid the contagion of the deadly virus, and to contribute to the reduction of the number of cases in Timor-Leste.

On the same occasion, for his part the Administrator of the Administrative Post of Lacló, Samuel Rodrigues Pereira, carried out a door-to-door awareness campaign at the health center in Lacló to encourage the population to be vaccinated.

Samuel Rodrigues Pereira stated that in the village of Labututo, there was no record of any person from the community infection with COVID-19. However, it continues to appeal to the community to come to the health center to vaccinate, and thus, they can save families from contagious diseases.

This campaign activity was attended by the PNTL Commander of the Municipality of Manatuto, Dirctor of DNDI, National Director of Budget and Financial Management of the Ministry of Health, Director of the Health Service of the Municipality of Manatuto, Head of the Administrative Post of Lacló, and representatives of veteran, community leaders and the populations of the village of Labututo.

