Ministry of Finance releases Circular with Budget Preparation Rules and Fiscal Envelope for the 2022 General State Budget

This Friday, July 16th, 2021, the Ministry of Finance officially released a Circular with the Budget Preparation Rules and the Fiscal Envelope that has been approved for each State Institution that is part of the budgetary perimeter for the 2022 General State Budget.

This working session is a continuation of the Budgetary Days for the 2022 General State Budget and the Deliberation of the Council of Ministers of July 14th, 2021, on the Aggregated and Disaggregated Fiscal Package for 2022.

The event was organized by the General Directorate of Planning and Budget, of the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The event included the official handover of the approved Fiscal Envelope for 2022 by the Vice Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, to the representatives of the Presidency of the Republic’ Office, the National Parliament, the Court of Appeals and the Prime Minister’s Office.

On June the 29th, 2021, the Government, at the National Seminar “Budgetary Days for the 2022 General State Budget”, chaired by His Excellency the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, defined six important areas, corresponding to the Government’s investment priorities for the 2022 fiscal year. The six priority areas are: (i) Social Capital (education, vocational training and health); (ii) Housing and Social Inclusion; (iii) Productive Sectors (Agriculture and Tourism), Environment and Connectivity; (iv) Private and Cooperative Sector Development; (v) Rural Development; and (vi) Good Governance.

In this Seminar, the Government also agreed upon a budget ceiling for the 2022 General State Budget, in the amount of US$ 1.5 billion, to finance the 6 priorities, and with the objective of achieving quality development, with economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable.


