First doses of Sinovac vaccine began to be administered today

The launch of the distribution of the Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19 took place today, June 14th, 2021, at the Timor Lorosa’e National University (UNTL – Portuguese acronym).

The Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, and the Secretary of State for the Youth and Sport, Abrão Saldanha, were among the first to receive the first dose of Sinovac.

These vaccines are part of a batch of one hundred thousand doses that were offered by the People’s Republic of China and arrived in Timor-Leste on June 5th.

The Sinovac’ priority group is young people aged 18 and above, teachers, and the Chinese community in Timor-Leste. 196315276 1922027741286658 5376276049949221439 n 248x225 First doses of Sinovac vaccine began to be administered today

The Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Xiao Jianguo, assured that this vaccine “meets international standards of safety, efficacy and manufacturing” and that  “it has been approved by the World Health Organization”.

The Diplomat also noted that “by the end of May, more than 600 million doses of Sinovac have been distributed in China and abroad, in countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, Hungary, Mexico, Thailand and Turkey.

The first dose of the Sinovac vaccine can be received at UNTL, Fatumeta Maternity, the Chinese Associations of Hudi Laran, Fatuhada and Aimutin, the Institute of Business (IOB), the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), and the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports.

sinovac 300x168 First doses of Sinovac vaccine began to be administered todayThe launching ceremony was attended by several members of the Government, the President of the National Parliament, members of the diplomatic corps and development partners.
