Government Decree on the Execution of the 2021 General State Budget is now available in Tetum language

The Government Decree 1/2021, of January 8th, on the Execution of the 2021 General State Budget, is now available in Tetum language. The availability of the Tetum version of the Decree aims to facilitate State Institutions in the execution of the 2021 General State Budget. Should there be any difference or discrepancy of interpretation between the Tetum and Portuguese versions, the Portuguese version shall prevail.

Following the message from His excellency the President of the Republic, Dr Francisco Guterres LĂș Olo, on the celebrations of the 19th anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste, the translation services provided this translation and the Legal Support Office of the Ministry of Finance did the verification

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance has already started to distribute this Diploma, in the Tetum language version, to all ministerial lines, in order to facilitate a better understanding, implementation and execution of the State Budget, with rigor and transparency, by the ministries, autonomous agencies, public companies, public companies and municipalities.


To see the Tetum version click here:


To see the Portuguese version click here:
