Prime Minister/ Minister of the Interior Taur Matan Ruak condemns the murder of two citizens in Lahane

Prime Minister

Eighth Constitutional Government


Dili, Timor-Leste, 05 June 2021

 Press Release

Prime Minister/ Minister of the Interior Taur Matan Ruak condemns the murder of two citizens in Lahane

Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, also Minister of Interior, regretted and strongly condemned the act of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) element that murdered two citizens and injured a third, in West Lahane, on Saturday morning. The Prime Minister presented the deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the family of the victims of this tragedy.

“I was very surprised and saddened when news reached me that a PNTL element, this early morning, with a State weapon, took the lives of two citizens in West Lahane. I strongly regret and condemn this act. None of us can tolerate such a situation and therefore, as Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, I have ordered the PNTL Command that this individual be immediately disarmed, arrested and that the investigation process be started.

On this unfortunate occasion, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Government, I extend our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family of the victims, and we apologise to the family for this act involving a member of the PNTL” Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said.

The Head of the Government also pledged that the Government will take strict measures against this Police officer, making him responsible for the act he committed, and also guaranteed that the Government will follow the whole process and will support the family of the victims in the pursuit of justice. End
