Government and National Parliament discuss amendment to the Migration and Asylum Law

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, and the Vice-Minister of the Interior, António Armindo, representing the Government, and accompanied by the Director General of Immigration, Superintendent of Police Luís Soares Barreto and some legal advisors, participated in a public hearing with the deputies of the Commission B of the National Parliament (PN), which deals with matters of Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security, in order to analyse the Law Project No. 25/V/ (3ª), which introduces the first amendment to Law No. 11/2017, Migration and Asylum Law.

The President of Commission B of the National Parliament, José Agustinho Sequeira “Somotxo” explained that this amendment initiative came from Commission B itself, to allow missionaries to carry out their missions in Timor-Leste, in accordance with the Concordat signed between the State of Timor-Leste and Vatican.

“Today we held this public hearing with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Ministry of Interior, to analyse the initiative of the National Parliament, which authorized, through a resolution, Commission B to amend the Migration and Asylum Law. This draft amendment is signed by the proponents of Commission B, with more than ten deputies wishing to introduce an amendment to the Law Project to amend the Migration and Asylum Law, namely in article 59, so as to further clarify the agreement in relation to the movement of missionaries, so that they can settle in Timor-Leste, based on the Concordat that was signed between the Timor-Leste State and the Vatican”, explained the Member of Parliament and President of Commission B, José Agustinho Sequeira “Somotxo”, after the hearing, this Thursday, in the National Parliament Residence, in the Farol district.

The Member of the Parliament added that, with this first amendment, it is recommended that the Government review the language, so that no precedents are set for other religious convictions that may also wish to apply for the right to settle in Timor-Leste, as well as other missionaries of other religions existing in Timor-Leste.

“This amendment will be discussed again in the detailed discussion phase. After hearing the opinions and suggestions, Commission B will prepare a report and opinion, with the amendment to Article 59. On the part of the Ministry of the Interior, there was the guarantee of support to Commission B, for the amendment to articles 13, 41 and 127, which will also be the subject of a report and opinion from Commission B for the National Parliament”, pointed out Somotxo.

