Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 8th, 2021

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 8th, 2021

The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili and, given the impacts caused by the floods of April 4th, and in order to allow the population to cope with the damage caused by floods, which damaged or destroyed a large number of homes, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution suspending the imposition of general home confinement of the population of the municipality of Dili, until further notice from the Government.

It was also approved the draft Government Resolution that maintains the imposition of health fence in the municipalities of Baucau and Viqueque for more seven days. Thus, the prohibition of movement of people between these municipalities and other administrative constituencies is maintained, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public security, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or the achievement of public interest. The Government has decided not to renew the imposition of general home confinement of the population.

The Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, gave a presentation to the Council of Ministers on the state of play of the impacts of the floods of April 4th, caused by tropical cyclone Seroja. According to the data presented in the meeting, the floods caused about ten thousand displaced people in Dili, who are currently sheltered in 22 reception centres throughout the city. The floods caused the death of 42 people – 22 in Dili, 10 in Ainaro, 5 in Manatuto, 3 in Viqueque and 2 in Aileu.

The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution that proceeds to  the declaration of the state of calamity, for a period of 30 days, due to the occurrence of flooding in the municipality of Dili, in the early hours of April 4th, 2021, caused by tropical cyclone  Seroja.

A technical working group has already been created and will be responsible for identifying the collective public infrastructures and equipment that has been destroyed or damaged by floods and for formulating proposals for their reconstruction or rehabilitation.

From now onward it is forbidden the construction or reconstruction of homes or any other actions or forms of land use likely to increase the risk of repetition of the event or the worsening of its effects, in flood areas and areas of medium to very high hazard instability slopes.

The Council of Ministers decided to approve the mobilisation of international support to respond to the impacts of the April 4th 2021 floods.

The draft Law Proposal, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho,  was approved, with amendments, for the sixth amendment to Law No.  7/2006, of December 28th, Electoral Law for the President of the Republic. This Law Proposal aims, mainly, to reinforce the citizens’ right of during elections, ensuring the necessary conditions to carry out the vote.

The draft Government Resolution concerning the annual headcount to be incorporated in FALINTL – Timor-Leste Defence Forces, in 2021, presented by the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus was approved, with amendments. Thus, it was approved the realization of a military recruitment for the incorporation of six hundred men /women recruits, of which 240 will be for the Light Naval Force component, 240 for the Land Force component and 120 for the remaining units.

Finally, the Council of Ministers approved the  draft Government Resolution, to appoint António dos Santos de Matos, as Executive Director of the Institute for Research, Development, Training and Promotion of Bamboo, IP, for a period of 3 years. This draft Government Resolution was presented by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis. END
