Government mobilizes efforts to support population affected by floods and for the rehabilitation of infrastructure

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, today, April 5th, 2021, led a meeting of the Interministerial Commission for Civil Protection and Natural Disasters, which was held in the Government Palace, in Dili, to coordinate the response to the impacts of the floods that occurred over the weekend in Dili and in several other parts of the country.

The meeting’s main objectives were to take a state stock of the situation and to analyze the necessary measures to recover the damages caused by the floods and to support to the affected population.

The floods that occurred in several areas of the country have caused extensive property damage, leaving hundreds of families displaced, at least 27 fatalities and eight still to be confirmed.

In Dili, a total of 13 deaths have been registered so far, and more than 7,000 displaced, who are currently sheltering in 12 spaces located in various parts of the city.

The authorities during yesterday mobilized efforts to provide shelter and food support to the displaced and started interventions on infrastructure in order to re-establish road mobility and power  supply safely, and ensuring the repair of damaged water supply systems, and to carry out urgent works to clean up drainages, normalization and de-silting of streams.

The Secretariat of State for Civil Protection will act as an operational centre for collecting humanitarian support, and the Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Works have also called for the contribution of private sector entities that have machinery to support clean-up actions.

The Government has decided to allow the opening and normal operation of construction materials stores, to support the population in need of materials for the reconstruction of their homes and stresses that restaurants may continue their activity in take away and delivery regime.

The Prime Minister thanked the contribution of all those involved in responding to floods, including religious organisations, development partners, civil society organisations and citizens in general, and directed the members of the Interministerial Commission for Civil Protection and Natural Disasters to boost the measures to support affected populations and clean-up and survey infrastructure damage actions, in order to quickly normalize road mobility and electricity, water and sanitation supply systems.

In a statement, the Prime Minister expressed “solidarity with the affected population and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the severe floods” and assured that “the Government will make every effort to help families affected by this natural disaster.” END
