Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on April 21, 2010

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste



Díli, April 21, 2010


Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, H.E. Xanana Gusmão begins national consultations with the people on a new vision for the country through the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011-2030


The Prime Minister, His Excellency Xanana Gusmão, has commenced his tour to the districts and sub districts of Timor-Leste for national consultations on the Strategic Development Plan (SDP).

The SDP is a forward thinking strategic mapping of development from 2011 to 2030, with the aim to transition Timor-Leste from a low-income economy to an upper-middle income country no later than 2030.

The strategy is based on the need for Timor-Leste to harmonize with the region, utilize its resources to maximize long terms benefits in the areas of infrastructure, education, health, employment and the evolution of both the public and private sector. The physical and cultural fabric of Timor-Leste is deeply embedded in the SDP to forge a long-term, unifying and uniquely Timorese national identity.

The plan sets out the vision of having a modern and well diversified economy, with high quality infrastructure including roads, water, power, ports, and telecommunications. Subsistence agriculture is set to be replaced by agribusiness where communities can rely on long term wage generation and food self sufficiency can sustain the population.

The transition means Timor-Leste’s tradition as a rural economy will have changed markedly by 2030; progressive and well planned urbanization will result in well over half of the population living in urban areas, where the service economy can provide sustainable incomes and long term growth cross sectors.

The petroleum sector, including oil and gas production, and downstream industries such as petrochemicals, provides a major role in development. A thriving on shore petroleum industry will provide a significant industrial base to the economy. Services will dominate employment in all sectors including tourism, trade, and public administration.

Secretary of State Pereira said “The Prime Minister, H.E Xanana Gusmão is committed to ensure national unity and inclusion in the process of national development. The goal is to fast track our nation on a sustainable course of development; using our human and natural resources to lift our country from poverty and bridge the gap to become a developed nation. Timor-Leste has enjoyed a period of stability and economic growth; now is the time to plan our path; the Strategic Development Plan is the vehicle where our future goals and aspirations as a nation will be realized.”

