Minister of the Presidency of the Council OF Ministers visits INAP

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, visited, for the first time, on January 11th, 2021, the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP – acronym in Portuguese), since the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, on November 30th, 2020, delegated to him the powers of oversight and responsibility over the national institute that guarantees the specific training, valorisation and professional certification of staff, Public Administration workers, local government leaders and community leaders.

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers leads the implementation of Public Administration of Reform Program (PRAP- Portuguese acronym), which aims to transform public administration, focusing on the structures of the centralised power. This reform aims at improving the service delivery processes, strengthening the responsibility and the incentives for performance, improving the management and the development of human resources, looking over the functions and structures of public administration and improving the administrative services provided to citizens and companies.

As referred to in Order 120/PM/XII/2020 of December 30th, “ given that one of the essential components of PRAP is precisely related to the management and development of human resources in the civil service, it seems as convenient and virtuous a closer articulation between the functions committed to the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, at the governmental level, and those that, in the implementation of training activities for the human resources in the Civil Service, are assigned to the National Institute of Public Administration.

In the exercise of the powers delegated to him, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers will guide the INAP to the development and implementation of a clear priority organizational strategy and a reform plan, including its restructuring and the relocation of staff that is, therefore, necessary.

Fidelis Magalhães will support INAP in the development, strengthening and implementation of strategic partnerships with local universities and qualified training providers, the Public Service Commission and international public service schools.

INAP will also be supported for the development of high quality products and curricula that offer relevant and meaningful leadership and management courses.
