Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão travels to all Timorese Sub-Districts to discuss Strategic Development Plan

The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, will be traveling throughout all the Sub-Districts of the territory of Timor-Leste from April 19th, Monday, starting by the Sub-District of Lautem.

The first consultation will be held in the district of Lautem, where the Prime-Minister will remain during one week.

The objective of this visit is to start the public consultation process on the National Strategic Development Plan that is being prepared by the Government, a medium to long-term plan covering the 2011 to 2030 period.

In the words of the Prime Minister: “We will cover all Timor-Leste to let the people know that we are committed in making their dreams come true, expressed in Vision 2020”.

This SDP will set a short term of 5 years (2011 to 2015), a medium term (up to 2020) and a long term (up to 2030) in several areas for the development of the country.

Unlike the National Development Plan, which only covered the first 5 years (2002-2007) for the creation of State institutions, the SDP will be guiding the country towards well-defined stages for the progression of integrated and integrating activities, where the person, the citizen, the Timorese, is the centre of the development program.

In macroeconomic terms, the Strategic Development Plan focuses on this new paradigm: production/productive capability and productive employment opportunities.

And this means that the priorities will be modernising agriculture, enhancing industry, providing social services; and developing human capital.

“If the country’s needs require fast and sustainable growth, we need to invest in basic infrastructure. And for this to be possible we need to unblock the mistaken policy of ‘savings’, in order to invest those revenues in the best way” said the Prime Minister.

