Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 13, 2020

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 13, 2020

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the Government’s Resolution draft, on the implementation of administrative decentralization strategy and installation of the representative bodies of Local Power, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. This Government Resolution redefines some of the actions and projected results, present in the administrative decentralization strategy, as well as establishing new deadlines, depending on the feasibility and the capacity to execute these actions, so that, until the end of the mandate of the 8th Constitutional Government, a Municipal Administration or Authority with a statutory public body with institutional base and the local authority is reached.

The Government Resolution draft authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Víctor da Conceição Soares, to appoint Jonianto Monteiro, as Member of the Board of Directors of the National Petroleum and Minerals Authority, for a term of four years, was also approved.

The Council of Ministers decided to grant full powers to the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis, after coordinating with the relevant Ministries, to proceed with the signature of the Free Assistance Agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the United States Government for the joint rehabilitation project of the Baucau Aerodrome.

Finally, the Deliberation draft, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mrs Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, on the award of Merit Medal, posthumously, to the five militaries of the Republic of Korea, members of Battalion South-Korean ROKBATT VII, who died in Timor-Leste on October 23rd, 2003, was also approved, acknowledging and thanking them for their significant contribution to national peace and stability. END

