Ministry of Education starts a new Teacher Training Program

The Ministry of Education conducts a new training course for Teachers, from 12 to 30 April in order to improve the pedagogical and technical capacity of thousands of Education sector professionals. By the end of the year, the Ministry scheduled two more similar training courses.

The Ministry of Education expects that this initiative may contribute to increase the knowledge of curriculum materials and profitable use of school textbooks and guides teachers during lessons.

The intensive training program for teachers began in 2008 and represents a commitment from the Government with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and to contribute, decisively, to a higher rate of success in school.

Teachers hired, with a minimum of three years of work under contract, will become permanent staff and professors with less than three years of contract will also be part of the civil servant staff upon satisfactory evaluation during the training course. The Ministry also expects that this training accelerate the recruitment of teachers.

From a total of 10,409 teachers in the Timorese Education System the number of trainees reached 7, 409 by 2009.

Teachers who do not participate in this training program are:

Until now, 6.745 teachers had a positive overall assessment meeting the criteria for learning the program, a figure that corresponds to 91% of teachers who participated in this training program. The remaining 664 teachers, 9% of the total, received an overall negative rating without achieving a satisfactory outcome.

The information related to this training will be communicated as soon as possible, both to teachers and the Committee on Public Administration in order to start the recruitment of transferring the professional status of the teachers as determined by the resolution of Council of Ministers.



