Fifth 8th Constitutional Government’s Retreat

The members of the 8th Constitutional Government and members of the Government supporting parties’ parliamentary benches meet in retreat, on October 30th, 2020, at the Polytechnic of Hera, within the scope of the 2021 General State Budget (GSB) discussion preparation.

The 2021 GSB, submitted by the Government to the National Parliament, on October 15th, defines, as priorities, social capital development, economic development, aligned with the measures included in the Economic Recovery Plan, development of basic fundamental infrastructure, environmental development, and institutional and ongoing institutional reform processes development.

The public hearings cycle, promoted by the National Parliament for the initial assessment of the 2021 GSB will begin next Wednesday, on November 4th, with a seminar that will take place at the Hotel Novo Turismo, in Dili.

The 2021 GSB Law Proposal presents all Public Administrative Sector bodies and services revenues and expenses for the 2021 fiscal year, with the consolidated expenditure total amount set at US $ 2,029.5 million. The GSB comprises the Central Administration Budget, the Special Administrative Region of Oe-cússe Ambeno Budget of the and the Social Security Budget.

“The Central Administration bodies and services’ expenses amount to US $ 1.797,2 million” and their “budget allocations are divided as follows, according to their economic classification: US$ 228,2 million, for Salaries and Wages; US$ 397,3 million, for Goods and Services; US$ 694,9 million, for Public Transfers; US$ 58,8 million, for Minor Capital; US$ 417,7 million, for Development Capital”.

“The [Social Security] expenditure amount to US$ 177,3 million” and “the Special Administrative Region of Oe-cússe Ambeno (RAEOA) expenses amount to US$ 127,0 million”. “The [RAEOA] expense allocations are divided as follows, according to their economic classification: US$ 11,1 million, for Salaries and Wages; US$ 23,8 million, for Goods and Services; $4,3 million, for Public Transfers; US$ 2,4 million, for Minor Capital; US$ 85,5 million, for Development Capital”.
