Minister of the Republic of Congo reinforces the importance of the Díli Meetings

The Minister for Planning of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) considers that the talks that are taking place in the capital of Timor-Leste are very positive.

Olivier Kamitatu, in an interview with the Government Portal, was pleased with the commitment of the participants, especially from the “Fragile” States, in the search of a way to overcome difficulties.

This representative from DRC noted that these meetings appear as a sequence to the “g7+” meeting that took place two years ago in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Minister Olivier Kamitatu also wished that the document resulting from these meetings, the Dili Declaration, helps fragile states to find an improved way of giving dynamism to development in their countries.


To see all the videos about this event, please go to Multimedia/Videos.
