Meeting to discuss the priorities in the area of infrastructure for the financial year 2021

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, convened a meeting, on July 27, 2020, with the Vice Prime Minister, José Maria dos Reis, with the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, with the Minister dos Transportes Comunicações, José Agustinho da Silva and with the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, to discuss and define the program of priorities for the area of ​​infrastructure for the financial year 2021.

The Head of Government stated that one of the main priorities of the Government for 2021, is the creation of jobs for the population, in order to foster economic growth.

The priorities for the infrastructures to be included in the State Budget for 2021 are also interlinked with the recommendations of the Commission for the Elaboration of the Economic Recovery Plan, and are the creation of infrastructures for drinking water, electricity, health, education, agricultural, housing for the community and the completion of ongoing projects.

The Prime Minister proposed the creation of a task force for each priority area, in order to accelerate the implementation process, in an integrated manner and under a single command, to reduce institutional bureaucracy.

During the meeting, the Head of Government gave guidance to the Deputy Prime Minister and the other Ministers present, to deepen the discussion on the priorities already defined, in order to define which are the most urgent, to be implemented in the short term and which contribute to economic growth.
