Minister of Public Works receives social audit results on infrastructure area

The Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, welcomed a team of representatives from civil society organizations, led by the Executive Director of the Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations of Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel Santos do Carmo, on  July 23rd, 2020, who come to present the social audit report results, for the infrastructure sector.

The report, prepared by FONGTIL and National Social Audit Network (ReNAS), with the participation of ten non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and in partnership with the Government, present the conclusions and recommendations of the data gathering and analysis related to the education, agriculture, social and infrastructure areas.

This program aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of public services and the effectiveness of public policies, through their adaption to the social, economic, political, environmental and cultural context.

Regarding the infrastructure sector, the report focused mainly on the implementation of the Integrated Development Program for Municipalities and on the budgetary policy for the Dili – Manatuto and Baucau – Viqueque roads monitorization.

During the presentation, the Director of FONGTIL informed that the civil society values the work done by the Minister of Public Works, who, during his term, have implemented infrastructure projects in a transparent manner.

The Minister of Public Works thanked the role played by civil society in supporting and supervising to the work developed by the Government in the infrastructures area.

The meeting also included the participation of the Executive Director of the NGO Luta Hamutuk, José Alves da Costa and other representatives of NGOs who participated in the data gathering and analysis related to infrastructures, as well as representatives of the Office for Civil Society Support, of the Prime Minister’s Office.
