Japan and UNICEF offer computer equipment for national birth registration system

On July 9, 2020, The Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, received a set of computer equipment for the national Demographic Management Information System, offered by the Government of Japan and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

This system allows for the collection, storage, and management of civil registration data, including birth registration, with the aim of strengthening the universal system of national birth registration.106532926 2646523888938843 4147346890302410549 o 300x199 Japan and UNICEF offer computer equipment for national birth registration system

The implementation of this project is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice, in coordination with UNICEF and other relevant ministries, and relates to an agreement reached in 2018 between the Government of Japan and UNICEF, through which the Japanese Government granted a donation of US$2.5 million, to develop over a three-year period a functional and efficient registration system in the country, which includes all children.

Improving the efficiency of the birth registration system will serve as a basis for the sustainable development of the country, ensuring that all children can have access to their rights, such as education, health and social protection, from birth, contributing to the Government’s efforts to ensure the birth registration of all its citizens.

106990077 2646524152272150 610095214538701042 o 300x199 Japan and UNICEF offer computer equipment for national birth registration systemThe ceremony took place at the offices of the National Directorate of Registers and Notaries in Dili and included the participation of the Ambassador of Japan in Timor-Leste, Masami  Kinefuchi, UNICEF representative in Timor-Leste,  Valerie  Taton  and    UNICEF Deputy Representative  in Timor-Leste, Scott  Whoolery, Secretary of State for Land and Property, Mário Ximenes and the Director General of Registration and Notary Services,  Crisogno  da Costa.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=24983