Report of the Mandate of the Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis  Manuel Leite Magalhães completed today, July 3, 2020, the formal handover to the Prime Minister,  Taur Matan Ruak, of the report of his mandate as Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, during the period of June 2018 and May 2020, while serving in the Eight Constitutional Government.

The mission of the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP) was to design, implement, coordinate and evaluate the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers on the development, harmonization and consolidation of the legal system, judicial reform, parliamentary affairs and the media. The Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, EP (RTTL) and the Timor-Leste News Agency, IP (TATOLI) were in its dependence.

With the amendment made to the organic structure of the VIII Constitutional Government, through Decree-Law No. 20/2020 of May 28,the Government office of Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs was extinguished. Its tasks on legislative reform, legislative process and administrative reform were passed to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, while the Ministry of Justice began to concentrate all the Government’s tasks on judicial reform. The responsibility for the sectors of media and parliamentary affairs, passed with this amendment to the organic government, to the new Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Media.

The MRLAP report presents the main results, challenges and recommendations, and describes the main activities of the Ministry, during the almost two years in office, in support of the Prime Minister, in the implementation of legislative, judicial and administrative innovation reforms, in parliamentary affairs, the media and translation services.

The Minister, in the preface to the report, notes that “the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs had as a main mission contributing to the construction of a State which guarantees protection, justice, legal certainty and the ability to solve citizens’ problems, quickly and effectively”.

Fidelis Magalhães also states that he believes “that the work done by the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs could become a pillar for a process of reform and change to be deepened in the future”. Adding that this “work will not be lost and will be a contribution to the process of state building, with the ultimate goal of further strengthening our nation, Timor-Leste”.

To read the Report on the Mandate of the Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, click here.
