Swearing-In and organic structure of the Eight Constitutional Government

The President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, installed today, June 24, 2020, 21 new members of the Eight Constitutional Government, in a ceremony that took place at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Dili.

Today were sworn-in, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis, the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Adaljiza  Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Armindo Maia, the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, the Minister of the Interior,  Taur  Matan  Ruak, the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Víctor da Conceição Soares, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Julião da Silva, the Deputy Minister of Justice, José Edmundo Caetano, the Deputy Minister of State Administration, Lino de Jesus Torrezão, the Deputy Minister of Health,  Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis, the Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, António Guterres, the Vice Minister of Commerce and Industry, Domingos Lopes Antunes, the Deputy Minister of Community and Cultural Tourism, Inácia da Conceição Teixeira, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Abílio Xavier de Araújo, the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Antonino Armindo, the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment, Alarico de Rosário, the Secretary of State for Cooperatives,  Elizário  Ferreira, the Secretary of State for Fisheries,  Elídio de Araújo, the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Abrão Saldanha and the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins.

With this swearing-in of these new members, the VIII Constitutional Government is now complete and has the following organic structure:

1 – Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak;

2 – Deputy Prime Minister, Armanda Berta dos Santos;

3 – Deputy Prime Minister, José Maria dos Reis;

4 – Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães;

5 – Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral;

6 – Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication, Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jerónimo;

7 – Minister of Finance, Fernando Hanjam;

8 – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Adaljiza  Albertina Xavier Reis Magno;

9 – Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa;

10 – Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho;

11 – Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo;

12 – Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Armindo Maia;

13 – Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos;

14 – Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos;

15 – Minister for the Affairs of National Liberation Combatants, Júlio Sarmento da Costa “Meta Mali”;

16 – Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis;

17 – Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires;

18 – Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva;

19 – Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva;

20 – Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis;

21 – Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus;

22 – Minister of the Interior, Taur Matan  Ruak;

23 – Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Víctor da Conceição Soares;

24 – Deputy Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites;

25 – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Julião da Silva;

26 – Deputy Minister of Justice, José Edmundo Caetano;

27 – Deputy Minister of State Administration; Lino de Jesus Torrezão;

28 – Deputy Minister of Health, Bonifácio Maucoli  dos Reis;

29 – Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, António Guterres;

30 – Deputy Minister of Social Solidarity, Signi  Chandrawati  Verdial;

31 – Deputy Minister of Public Works, Nicolau Lino Freitas Belo;

32 – Deputy Minister of Community and Cultural Tourism, Inácia da Conceição Teixeira;

33 – Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Domingos Lopes Antunes;

34 – Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Abílio Xavier de Araújo;

35 – Deputy Minister of the Interior, António Armindo;

36 – State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment, Alarico de Rosário;

37 – Secretary of State for Cooperatives, Elizário  Ferreira;

38 – Secretary of State for the Environment, Demetrius do Amaral de Carvalho;

39 – Secretary of State for Communications, Merício  Juvinal  dos Reis “Akara”;

40 – Secretary of State for Land and Property, Mário Ximenes;

41 – Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Abrão Saldanha;

42 – Secretary of State for Art and Culture, Teófilo Caldas;

43 – Secretary of State for the Affairs of National Liberation Combatants, Gil da Costa Monteiro ‘Oan  Soru’;

44 – Secretary of State for Fisheries, Elídio de Araújo;

45 – Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins;

46 – Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus.



url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=24746