Exceptional and temporary measures relating to the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Dili, March 20, 2020

Press Release

Exceptional and temporary measures relating to the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus

In order to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus to the national territory, the Government approved, through Government Resolution No.10/2020 of March 19, a set of measures of a temporary and extraordinary nature, including the prohibition of entry into national territory, to all foreign citizens who in the last four weeks have departed or transited through countries with registered cases of infection by COVID-19, according to information published and updated daily by the World Health Organization .

This prohibition does not apply to foreign citizens who were born in Timorese territory and who habitually reside here or who are legal representatives of minors of Timorese nationality or third-party nationals residing in Timor-Leste over whom they exercise parental power or ensure their livelihood and education. The Prime Minister, in duly substantiated cases, related to the defense of the national interest or convenience of service, may authorize the entry of foreigners into national territory.

It is also forbidden to disembark cruise ship passengers unless they are Timorese citizens or foreign citizens who are in one of the situations described above.

Under the government resolution approved, it is also prohibited to all human resources of the Direct and Indirect Administration of the State to take service trips outside the national territory.

Urgent medical evacuations and supplies of medicines, materials and hospital supplies are ensured on a sanitary and/or humanitarian basis.

For the purposes of sea or air transport and release of goods at Ports or Airports, foreign citizens, in charge of and under the responsibility of the carrier, may only remain in the “International Zone”.

All nationals and foreign nationals covered by these exceptions, arriving in Timor-Leste by air, land or sea, shall be in voluntary quarantine for a minimum period of fourteen days and shall inform the authorities who are present at border posts of the place where they will be isolated.

The measures to prohibit entry to all foreign citizens, provided for in the resolution adopted, will be reviewed monthly, with a view to their maintenance or elimination. ENDS

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=23793