Meeting of the Council of Ministers of february 19

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 19, 2020

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, for the repeal of Government Resolution Nº 16/2013 on the extinction of martial arts groups. The Government also instructs the National Police of Timor-Leste to step up actions to combat crimes related to the illicit practice of martial arts and rituals.

The Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, presented five legislative initiatives approved by the Council of Ministers.

The first Draft Law passed refers to the Social Security Legal Regime of Holders of Sovereignty Bodies. This legal regime seeks to promote the exercise of the right to social security on an equal footing, valuing the contributory career of holders of sovereignty bodies.

Members of the Government also approved the Legislative Authorization Bill on the General Bases of the Organization of Public Administration. This legislative instrument aims to fill the constitutional gap in matters of administrative organization, providing the entire public administration with the general bases of its operation.

The proposal for a Decree-Law of the Organization of Direct and Indirect Administration of the State was also approved by the Council of Ministers. The main objective of this legislative diploma is to adequately organize the direct and indirect administration of the State, promoting the effectiveness of its performance and facilitating the pursuit of its activities by the interoperability and intercommunicability of human and material resources.

The Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs also presented the Public Administration Reform Program. This programme contains a set of administrative reforms aimed at strengthening the management and improvement of the functioning of the Ministries and Agencies of the Central Government.

The last legislative diploma proposed by the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs concerns the establishment of the Interministerial Commission for the Preparation of the Single Citizens Identifier System. The objective of this system is to improve the provision of services to citizens, greater social inclusion and the launch of electronic governance at national level. The Technical Committee will be chaired by the Executive Director of the ICT Timor Public Institute and composed of representatives of relevant Ministries. The Commission should within a maximum of six months complete an integrated strategy for the materialisation of that single identifier system, together with a detailed implementation plan and its budget, to be submitted to the Ministers.

The Council of Ministers approved a Government Resolution, presented by the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, regarding the appointment of Alexandre Pires, as chairman of the Board of Directors and Alves Gomes Martins and Cecilia da Fonseca, as members of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Quality of Timor-Leste, IP. The Government also appointed Carlito Gama and José Gonçalves to the Fiscal Council of the Institute for Quality of Timor-Leste, IP.

Finally, the Acting Minister of State Administration, Abílio José Caetano, presented the draft Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, regarding the appointment of Filomena da Costa Nunes, as the new Administrator of the Municipality of Manufahi, a position that had been vacant since October  2018, due to the death of its holder. ENDS
