Construction of Tibar Porto continues despite the limitations caused by the new coronavirus

The construction of the Port of Tibar is progressing, with about 400 national and foreign workers ensuring the progress, with the Government and Timor Port S.A. expecting it not to be suspended.

Activities are currently being carried out related to the detailed design, construction of the temporary facilities, production of aggregates in the quarry and consolidation of the reclaimed landfill through stone columns on land and at sea. Trial tests for steel piles and precast quay structure are also underway. Dredging and reclamation works are over and dredging equipment is now going to be demobilized.

However, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Timor Port and China Harbour Timor, the company subcontracted by the concessionaire, have been adopting team prevention and control measures, including the isolation of all employees traveling from China during 14 days previous to the flight and additional 14 days after arrival. Daily reports of travel registration and health conditions are also made to all personnel of all nationalities working in the construction project of the Port of Tibar and it is mandatory to use masks and the adoption of hygiene control measures in the office and in social facilities.

These measures in addition to the recent restrictions on entry into Timor-Leste and also in countries with air links to Timor-Leste of foreign citizens who have been out or transited through the People’s Republic of China in the last four weeks, prevented some employees who have returned from vacation, due to the New Chinese Year, from resuming their activities while it is also limiting the return to Timor-Leste of employees who have not yet returned.

Although with limitations, work is continuing, and all measures will continue to be in place to safeguard the safety of people and public health.
