Government delivers proposal for the General State Budget of 2020 to the National Parliament

The Government delivered yesterday, October 15, 2019, the proposal of the General State Bdget (OGE) for 2020 to the National Parliament President, Arão Noé Amaral. The Budget delivered to Parliament encompasses all revenue and expenditure of the State and Social Security of Timor-Leste and covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2020.

The proposal for a General State Budget (OGE) for 2020 was approved in the Council of Ministers on October 2 and was handed over to the President of Parliament by the Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Leite Magalhães and the Deputy Minister of Finance Sara Lobo Brites.

The Budget sets out a total amount of 1.95 billion US dollars to cover the program needs and national priorities defined by the Eight constitutional Government. Of this, 241,271,000 are for wages and salaries, 738,428,000 for goods and services, 457,773,000 for public transfers, 53.267 for lower capital and finally, 459,260,000 for development capital.

The Budget Proposal will be presented by the President of the National Parliament to Commission C so as to begin the debate process before the presentation at the plenary in December.
