Ministry of Finance launches national accounting training in the public sector for 36 Autonomous Agencies

Following recommendations by the Accounts Tribunal and the National Parliament, which requested autonomous agencies to complete their own reports, the National Directorate of Accounting and Financial Regulation (DNCRF) of the Ministry of Finance, launched, this Monday, September 30, 2019, a National Training Action on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Public Sector for 36 Autonomous Agencies. The training was launched in a session in the auditorium Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão, in the Ministry of Finance.

This training action, which runs until October 11, 2019, follows on from previous training actions already undertaken by the Ministry of Finance in three regions, notably in the southern region, covering the municipalities of Ainaro, Manufahi, Aileu and Covalima, in the western region, covering the municipalities of Liquiçá, Ermera, Bobonaro and Díli, and in the eastern region, covering the municipalities of Baucau, Lautem, Viqueque and Manatuto.

“The aim of this training is to empower employees, by furthering their knowledge, so that they can perform their duties, notably in the areas of accounting and financial reporting, according to International accounting standards in the public sector of the IPSASB (the  International  public  sector Accounting Standards  Board)”, said the interim Director-General of Treasury and current National Director of Payments, Regina de Jesus Sousa.

In this action of national training on accounting and financial reporting, several resources were used, namely powerpoint presentations, video tutorials  and also  manuals and guides on accounting and financial reporting, prepared by the National Directorate of Accounting and Financial regulation.
